The term inbound marketing may not be a brand new term for some of you. It’s a term that’s been widely circulated inside the marketing industry for a couple of years now. In its simplest term, inbound marketing is all about content, attention, engagement, trust and satisfaction. These factors are always present in this marketing tool.
Every one of these elements has one main goal in inbound marketing lead generation: to be of assistance to businesses to connect with all of their potential customers. Plus, it also helps build a channel of bi-directional communication with them that leads to more sales.
The rise in the numbers of people using the Internet for practically anything and everything they need (data, products, services) and the rapid rise of social networking sites has lead to the new generation of online selling, a term known as content marketing.
Content marketing is also known to be the starting point for any inbound marketing campaign. For you to be further enlightened about inbound marketing, here are some of the benefits:
When talking about business and all of its benefits, the first thing that will immediately come to mind is the expenses. Inbound marketing can produce leads for a company (whether it be a large enterprise or a small business) in a more cost-efficient manner than outbound marketing.
For small businesses, they can generate the leads they need by spending only 1/3 of what it will cost them to have leads with the use of the traditional outbound marketing.
Inbound marketing also has a main objective of establishing relationships with clients. This means that it won’t be a once-in-a-lifetime connection, but it’s something that will last longer than what’s been provided to build the trust.
Let’s use blogging and SEO as examples; these two are just some of the most used inbound marketing tools. When you’re blogging, you consistently providing quality content and implementing great SEO practices – what will you get then? At first you’ll gain a few good clients since SEO is a process that takes time. However, if you work on this for months, more and more traffic will start flowing on your site not just once, but for a long time.
The fact that inbound marketing is executed only online, this permits you to reach a brand new target audience and diversify your reach by running a variety of campaigns. Let’s say that you’re selling SEO services online and you’ve reached the decision to add social media to your services.
With the help of inbound marketing and another marketing tool known as PPC (pay-per-click), you gain access to brand new people looking for this specific service by using the proper keywords in all of your PPC campaigns.
Overall, inbound marketing lead generation helps your business gain all of the leads it needs in order to be a trusted source of information and provide products that clients can use. Without this in your business, you’re missing out on a lot, especially sales and profit.
Call us today to book an appointment with our inbound marketing experts to discuss and set up an inbound marketing blueprint for your business.